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Holiday savings ideas

With the holiday season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to think about ways to save. Kick off your holiday season with more joy, and a little less stress and debt. 

Use your savings

If you’ve been participating in the 52-Week Challenge, go ahead and pat yourself on the back. Since January you’ve put aside a few hundred dollars you can keep saving or dip into as you need to pay for holiday expenses. If you haven’t started or haven’t contributed in a while, now is the right time to saddle up to the savings wagon.

Use your Holiday Cash Club Account

Just like your 52-Week Challenge savings, now’s the time to reap your reward for being so good all year with your holiday savings. The LGFCU Holiday Cash Club Account was literally made for this! 

If you don’t have an account, there’s no better time to get started. Having a dedicated holiday account can help you keep those funds separate from other expenses. Put a little (or a lot) into this dividend-earning account and the accrued dividends and full account balance will automatically be transferred into the LGFCU Checking, Share or Money Market account of your choice on the last business day in October.

Make-your-own holiday

Save big on your holiday budget by making gifts or giving experiences instead of buying presents. From homemade jam to family photo books, there are a variety of options that mean a lot without costing a lot. 

Remember, a few smart savings moves now can put a little extra “ho-ho-ho” in your holiday!

The advice provided is for informational purposes only.

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