Don Larsen

Larsen has more than 30 years of human resources experience across a multitude of industries including legal, engineering, software development, hospitality and financial services. He previously served as director of Human Resources for the Anderson Automotive Group and as director of Human Resources and Benefits for Golden Corral Corporation.

As Chief Human Resources Officer, Larsen is responsible overall for human resources, diversity and inclusion, and learning and development.

What are you investing for?

Person analyzing financial charts on cell phone

Before you start investing your hard-earned money, create a game plan to make sure your investments match your needs, your goals and even your values. Here are some tips for investing your money based on things that matter most to you.

Define your investment goals

Let’s say you want to have money available to supplement your income at retirement. Before you start saving and investing toward this goal, ask yourself exactly what you want. How much money will you need? When will you retire? What’s the best investment account to fund?

Boost your credit score

Woman checking her credit score on a laptop

Your credit score is the key to getting approved for a loan with a lower interest rate. The lower the interest rates on your loans, the more income you’ll have available for other uses, including saving for retirement.

Here are four simple ways to improve your score on the credit scoring system that most financial institutions and mortgage lenders use.

5 Things That May Hurt Your Credit Scores

Reading time: 4 minutes

If you’ve tried to make a large purchase such as a home or a vehicle, or even open a credit card account, you likely know the important role your credit scores play in lending decisions. When you apply for credit, your credit scores and the information in your credit reports, along with other criteria, are used by lenders and creditors as part of their decision-making process when evaluating your application.

It might be easier than you think to negatively impact your credit scores. Here are five ways that could happen: